Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

google tricks

Google Chuck Norris and instead of it popping up the link to Chuck Norris it pops up a Chuck Norris joke

Google mirror and it shows everything that you search for flipped backwards like you looking at it in a mirror

annoying google is a fun ester egg you can find on google that mixes your letters up as your typing

Friday, February 8, 2013


Ad blocker is a useful add-on to help get rid of ads on the internet and help prevent popups and make exploring the web a lot easier.

Personas is also a good add-on so you can customize your banner for your web browser and make it your personal web browser set up

Downloadthemall is a good add-on to manage your downloads and files that is built into firefox

flagfox is a great tool for in case you go to a foreign page and you can't understand what they are saying this add-on helps translate all those words into your language so you always know what people are saying

speed dial is a useful tool to get to your favorite or most visited web sites with just one click you can also include the weather in your speed dial and set it up for your home page so you can go to that page a lot sooner

google translator helps translate all languages to your language just in case flagfox doesn't translate that certain language

all-in-one-sidebar is a good add on by iOS so all your previous pages you visited is in one sidebar so you don't have to click the back one page multiple times just to get back to that page

image zoom is a good add on so you can zoom in to pictures or rotate them so you can get a better look at the pictures your about to add to your poster so you can properly explain what it is

reminder fox helps you remember important dates or remind you of coming up tests or assignments that need turned in

no squint allows you to enlarge your text so you don't have to squint to see your text

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


All feedjit is is a gadget on blogger that tracks all page views and where they came from the only bad thing about feedjit is that it tracks your own page views and you can not change it to where it won't stop showing your own page views and it tracks how long ago they have visited your blog